sábado, 19 de julho de 2014

Walt Disney's & Salvador Dali - Destino 2003 (HD 1080p)

Há mais de meio século, Salvador Dali e Walt Disney iniciaram este curta-metragem que foi finalmente completado em 2003 por Roy Disney. Duas frases sobre o enredo do filme: "A magical display of the problem of life in the labyrinth of time." Dali / "A simple story about a young girl in search of true love." Walt Disney. Aqui está a letra da música. Now I can smile and say: Destino, my heart was sad and lonely in knowing that you only could bring my love to me. Destino, this heart of mine is thrilled now. My empty arms are filled now as they were meant to be. For you came along, out of a dream I recall. Yes, you came along to answer my call. I know now that you are my destino. We’ll be as one, for we know our destiny of love.

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